
Video Sales Letters (VSL): The Definitive Guide (Updated 2024)

video sales letter
A video sales letter simply put is your sales pitch captured in a video format. It’s meant to intrigue the viewer, and hold their attention till you deliver your CTA for the product they’re interested in.

Acquiring new customers has always been one of the biggest challenges any marketer will ever face.

Particularly in the spavce of digital products, you need to go out of your way to build rapport, and entice the prospect to sign up, reassuring them they’re in a risk-free zone.

It’s hard, and with more entrants in the competition, it’s not likely to get any bit easy for you.

But, thankfully, there’s a way.

Imagine if you could bring in a ton of high-quality leads to your site, and eventually convert them, optimizing your conversion rate, and crash your monthly targets.

Sounds like more moolah, doesn’t it?

Yes, there’s a tool that can underpin that much desired boom in your sales, and dismantle inertia for good. It’s called video sales letter or simply termed, VSL. Over the years, it has proven to be a truly remarkable tool in the creative arsenal of top marketers.

So, in this blog we take a deep dive into VSLs.

We’ll find out how they add value to your marketing campaign, and how you can execute a VSL for maximum results.

So, without further ado, let’s jump right in!

What’s a Video Sales Letter (VSL)?

A video sales letter simply put is your sales pitch captured in a video format. It’s meant to intrigue the viewer, and hold their attention till you deliver your CTA for the product they’re interested in.

VSLs are compelling sales pitch that ensures that visitors listen to the entire pitch before they can learn more about the actual offer. Previously VSLs were powerpoint presentation.

Each slide would carry one persuasive line or chunk of copy from the original sales page. Copywriters would breakdown the sales page with each sentence on a new slide.

They would then turn it into a video that would poise the viewers with a riveting story, and natural voiceover, tempting them to learn about the offer.

But, the world is evolving. Nowadays, plain videos don’t work as good as they did in the past.

In fact, we’ve moved to more short-form VSLs, courtesy of a short attention span. Plus, the digital experience has never more thriiling. Viewers expect more.

So, to level up with competitors and deliver a delightful visual experience, VSL today can have animated graphics, motion artwork, hybrid footage, musical theme, and much more. Copywriters and creatives today have access to a whole plethora of exciting elements to create videos that grasp attention in a moment.

Why should I care creating a video sales letter (VSLs)?

VSLs can unlock a new array of opportunities for your business.

When you tread the path of rigorous customer research, you will reap precious insight, which your competitors may not have. Plus, VSLs give you the precise framework which every master copywriter has in their arsenal to bring in more moolah in the business.

Working on VSLs can teach a great deal on how to nail your job with creative media, and build a brand persona you’ve been dreaming of creating for so long.

3 Use-cases of VSLs

If you’ve no clue where to start, no problem. Here are three most popular, yet accurate use-cases for VSL.

VSL that compliments a Product Page

Ideally speaking, this sort of Video sales letter is meant for digital solutions or tangible items that require understanding of technical information prior purchase.

When to use this type of VSL?

If you’ve a highly technical audience whom you expect to read through, then this style of VSL might just work. Besides, this video can breathe a new angle of intrigue to your product, compelling more visitors to actually read the product page. Like I said, it’s best for tools or digital solutions that are technical, and for which you need to have a two-way approach to convince the prospect.

Pro-Tip: Make sure your copy aligns with your video. It doesn’t have to be mirror reflection of the video or the words of the presenter. But, both the product page, and the VSL should work in perfect conjunction.

VSLs that substitute Sales Pages

There is an exciting array of products that require a virtual walkthrough to convince the prospect to push the ‘buy’ button. These products are often in the fitness category, like ebooks, diet plans, and challenges.

Or these could even be digital solutions where you need to convince the user how seamless or time-savvy the tool is. Or might even work for tangible products that boast an entirely new concept. Like smart tech or gadgets that help in DIY.

Having a sales page might be fine, but it’s more suited to have a convincing VSL that strikes the rational brain from all angles. You need to show the experience of owning the product.

You may even opt for VSL instead of a full-blown sales page for one peculiar reason. Your audience is not a bunch of people who like reading long-form copy. VSL may suit more to non-technical people, who just want a quick solution.

You can even do your share of research on sales pages that had a high bounce rate. And, do an A/B testing with a VSL placed at the top of the page.

VSL is delivered after a touchpoint in the funnel

Another fine way of firing your VSL is via email or an ad. You may execute VSLs once a customer has surpassed a certain touch point in the marketing funnel. It can be best once your prospect have signed up on the landing page.

Fire your VSLs in their inbox. As you do that, you won’t be just building more authority, but also engaging with prospects on a more personal level.

What’s the ideal length for a Product VSL?

There’s no rule for length of a product VSL. But, top copywriters like Arman Assadi advise to pen down a script of only 3-5 minutes, especially when you want the buyer to download a FREE ebook.

So, if it’s a lead magnet you want to sell, consider creating a short VSL.

For products that would require more time for the buyer to make up their mind to purchase, you need a longer VSL. He also recommends marketers to create mid-length scripts for trip-wire products.

Tripwire products are mostly priced below $50, and are meant to trigger action instantly. The offer has to be so tempting that the buyer won’t hesitate from swiping their card to make the purchase.

Tripwire products are ideal especially when you want to qualify a high potential list of prospects, and turn them into high-paying customers later on. You do it by selling them something for literally peanuts, and see them digest the value.

Once they’re able to discover a treasure of value for themselves, they will find it easy to pay you for something bigger, and pricey.

Crash your sales goals: 7 Accurate VSL Tips from A-List Copywriter

We now know now how to decide the length of our VSL, let’s dive into how to create a killer VSL. The following tips and tricks are from A-list copywriter Armaan Assadi, who has written VSLs that turned out to be sales machines for his clients, attracting 7-figures in sales for them.

1.    Steal from your Sales page

There’s no need to write from scratch. For one, sales pages have powerful copy that is meant to persuade the reader from a variety of angles. Plus, the copy is authentic, and sounds natural. You need to replicate the style and tone. Steal the best chunks of your sales page, and turn them into your video script.

2.    Write a clear CTA

When it comes to VSL, your goal should be to drive action. So, there’s no room for ambiguity in messaging. What you must do is write clear and concise copy, and take your viewer to the action you want them to take. Be open; there’s no room for vague sentences. The prospect should know what’s expected of them.

3.    Leverage the technique of future-pacing

Make your viewer imagine their lives with your product. Tempt them to imagine a better future by leveraging the future-pacing technique. Use fancy phrases to set up the viewer in a positive state for their future. You want the prospect to associate a better future with your product. It’s hard, but always worth the effort.

4.    Show. Don’t Tell

Number #1 rule of copywriting is to show, don’t tell. Share testimonials, videos, reviews, and even your client stories. If you’re selling a weight-training for fitness program, make sure to enclose before and after pictures. People are more convinced when they see demonstrations, transformation, and results.

5.    Be laser-focused

Don’t beat around the bush. Be specific with your message, and pen down a copy that is clear and succinct in delivery. Use action verbs to help your reader visualize the outcome in their mind. The goal should be to paint mental pictures instead of saying phrases that require more interpretation.

6.    Eliminate risks

Your job as the copywriter of your own VSL is to eliminate risks at all costs. Ask yourself what’s keeping your customers from making the purchase. Do they have any doubts about the service? Are they too skeptical? Would it be better to talk them through the process to eliminate the element of fear? How are you going to tackle inertia?

Answer all these questions before planning to shoot for your VSL. Make sure you provide proof of how people can opt out of the deal without losing anything. Make the refund or return procedure ridiculously easy.

At all times, you’re focus should be building trust, and minimizing fear.

7.    Quash all objections

People have objections. There will be lots of questions which will hold them back from taking action. Your VSL would do perfect, if it can quash all their objections, one by one.

Most objections are about time, and money. Convince the viewer how your product saves time, is super-convenient, and will add to big savings in the longer-run.

Answer the FAQs about your product. Don’t try to go hard at skeptics. Hardsell won’t work. You can try creating a FOMO with the help of what I call negative future-pacing. For instance.

This 90 Day Fitness Plan is Not for people who:

  • Are negative about their effort in the gym
  • Aren’t willing to put in the work required
  • Aren’t willing to follow the diet plan as told
  • Believe in short-term gains, and want immediate results

Quash objections without sounding too salesy. Remember, you can’t sell to everyone, particularly not those who are just too skeptic.

Wrap up

Let’s wrap this one up. In this guide, we introduced to one of the most powerful tools for creative media, video sales letter. We walked you through its use-cases, guiding you how and when to use each type of VSL. Next, we covered more on the length of the VSL, and how you can decide the length of your script. Finally, we gave you seven killer tips from A-list copywriter, Arman Assadi to crash your sales goals.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this one!

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